Please check the part number against your part number if you are not sure it is the right item contact us.
The item will state:
New (Original box)
-New see details (Plain box)
New Reconditioned & Remanufactured are a properly rebuilt part which has been completely disassembled, cleaned and examined for wear and breakage. Worn out, missing or non-functioning components have been replaced with new or rebuilt components. It is the functional equivalent of a new part and is virtually indistinguishable from a new part. Please be aware you may be charged import duties in your country! Pumps and Injectors carry a 12 month warranty against manufacturing or remanufacturing defects, limited to the cost of the replacement part only.
E 300 Turbo-D 4-matic 147HP/108KW (06/1993 - 06/1995)
E-CLASS T-Model (S124) (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E 250 TD 113HP/83KW (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E-CLASS T-Model (S124) (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E 300 T Turbo-D 147HP/108KW (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E-CLASS T-Model (S124) (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E 300 T Turbo-D 4-matic 147HP/108KW (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E-CLASS T-Model (S124) (06/1993 - 06/1996)
E 300 TD 136HP/100KW (06/1993 - 06/1996)
G-CLASS (W463) (09/1989 - 12/2018)
350 Turbo GD 136HP/100KW (09/1991 - 08/1996)
G-CLASS Cabrio (W463) (09/1989 - 02/2018)
350 G Turbo-D 136HP/100KW (09/1991 - 09/1997)
S-CLASS (W140) (02/1991 - 10/1998)
S 350 Turbo-D 150HP/110KW (01/1993 - 10/1998)
T1/TN Platform/Chassis (07/1981 - 06/1995)
410 D 95HP/70KW (11/1988 - 06/1995)
T1/TN Platform/Chassis (07/1981 - 06/1995)
410 D 98HP/72KW (11/1988 - 06/1995)
T1/TN Van (07/1981 - 06/1995)
410 D 95HP/70KW (11/1988 - 06/1995)
T1/TN Van (07/1981 - 06/1995)
410 D 98HP/72KW (11/1988 - 06/1995)
Bosch Alternator 0 123 320 045
Part number: 0 123 320 045
CALL US FOR PRICE 01869 247 248
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