Bosch Fuel High Pressure Control Valve for Common Rail 1 462 C00 983
Please check the part number against your part number if you are not sure it is the right item contact us.
Fit Pumps:
0445010511, 0445010544, 0445010556, 0445010595, 0445010596, 0445010597, 0445010598, 0445010740, 0445010741, 0445020509, 0445020538, 0445020553,
The item will state:
- New (Original box)
- -New see details (Plain box)
- Reconditioned
- Remanufactured
New Reconditioned & Remanufactured are a properly rebuilt part which has been completely disassembled, cleaned and examined for wear and breakage. Worn out, missing or non-functioning components have been replaced with new or rebuilt components. It is the functional equivalent of a new part and is virtually indistinguishable from a new part. Please be aware you may be charged import duties in your country! Pumps and Injectors carry a 12 month warranty against manufacturing or remanufacturing defects, limited to the cost of the replacement part only.