New Denso Fuel Injector 295050-0590 For John Deere E545562 RE543351 SE502671
Please check the part number against your part number if you are not sure it is the right item contact us.
For John Deere Following Models:
Harvester: 1070E
Forwarder: 1110E, 1210E, 1510E
130G, 160GLC, 180GLC, 210GLC, 250GLC, 290GLC
210K, 310K, 310SK, 344K, 410K, 410K TC, 444K, 524K, 544K, 605K, 624K, 644K, 655K, 710K, 755K
5085E, 5085M, 5100E, 5100M, 5100MH, 5115M, 5115ML, 6105D iT4, 6105M, 6105R, 6115D, 6115M, 6115R, 6125M, 6125R, 6130D, 6130M, 6130R, 6140D, 6140M, 6140R, 6150M, 6150R, 6150R, 6150RH, 6170M, 6170R, 6190R, 6210R, 7200R, 7215R
Dozer: 550K, 650K, 700K, 750K, 850K
Fit for John Deere Engine: 4.5L, 4045, 4045HDW56, 4045HDW58, 4045HFC92, 4045HFC93, 4045HFC95, 4045HFG92, 4045HFG93, 4045HFL92, 4045HFL92, 4045HFL92P, 4045HFL93, 4045HFL93P, 4045HL495, 4045HL496, 4045HL497, 4045HLV68, 4045HLV69, 4045HLV70, 4045HMC85, 4045HMC92, 4045HP056, 4045HP057, 4045HT063, 4045HT066, 4045HT068, 4045HT069, 4045HT070, 4045HT073, 4045HT073, 6.8L, 6068, 6068HDW78, 6068HDW84, 6068HDW85, 6068HFC93, 6068HFC94, 6068HFC95, 6068HFG94, 6068HFG95, 6068HL490, 6068HL495, 6068HL497, 6068HT073, 6068HT074, 6068HT079, 6068HT080, 6068HT084, 6068HT086, 6068HT089, 6068HT092, 6068HTJ90, 6068HTJ91, 6068RW201, 6068RW202, 6068RW401, 6068RW402, 6068RW403, 6068RW404, 6068RW405
The item will state:
New Reconditioned & Remanufactured are a properly rebuilt part which has been completely disassembled, cleaned and examined for wear and breakage. Worn out, missing or non-functioning components have been replaced with new or rebuilt components. It is the functional equivalent of a new part and is virtually indistinguishable from a new part.
Please be aware you may be charged import duties in your country!
Pumps and Injectors carry a 12 month warranty against manufacturing or remanufacturing defects, limited to the cost of the replacement part only.